
Vajra, the mightiest Weapon of God Indra

Vajra, the mightiest Weapon of God Indra

The vajra is a spherical club with a ribbed head. The ribs may come together to form a ball-shaped top, or they may be separated and terminate in sharp points to stab. The vajra is the weapon of the Indian Vedic rain and thunder god Indra, and it is commonly employed metaphorically in Buddhist, Jain, and Hindu dharma traditions to signify spiritual force and tenacity of spirit.

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Ashtamangala Symbol and Meaning

Ashtamangala Symbol and Meaning

The Ashtamangala (ashta meaning eight and mangala meaning auspicious; Sanskrit Aamagala) is a collection of eight auspicious symbols venerated in Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, and Buddhism for its sanctity. Originally employed in India at kingly coronations and rituals, they've since been ingrained in a variety of civilizations, and are frequently found as popular themes in homes and art.

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Lord Jagannath, The Lord of Universe

Lord Jagannath, The Lord of Universe

Who is Lord Jagannath? Jagannath is a Hindu god who, together with his brother Balabhadra and sister devi Subhadra, is worshipped in Nepal, India, and Bangladesh as part of a trio. In Odia Hinduism, Jagannath is the highest god, Purushottama, Para Brahman. Jagannath is a Hindu god who is a combination of Krishna and Mahavishnu. To some, he is a symmetry-filled tantric form of Bhairava, a violent manifestation of Shiva linked with destruction, who appears as Krishna or Vishnu's avatar in some of the legends. Hindu believe him to be almighty, sacrosanct, and formed of sweat and blood at the same...

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Dharmachakra (Wheel of the Law)

Dharmachakra (Wheel of the Law)

What is Dharmachakra? The Wheel of the Law (dharmachakra) is Buddhism's most prominent emblem, representing the Buddha's First Sermon in the forest of Sarnath, when he established Buddhist Law (dharma). The Dharma Wheel, also known as the Dharmachakra or Wheel of Dharma, is one of the many holy teachings found in Buddhism and other Indian faiths such as Hinduism and Jainism. As it reflects Buddha's teachings, it is one of the most significant and sacred symbols in the Buddhist faith. THE MEANING OF THE DHARMA WHEEL  The Dharmachakra is derived from the Dharma, which is the road to enlightenment and Nirvana...

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Shree Yantra and its Significance in Hinduism

Shree Yantra and its Significance in Hinduism

Sri Yantra, sometimes referred to as Sri Chakra, is a sacred geometry used for worship, devotion, and meditation. In Sanskrit, yantra means "instrument" or "machine." This most challenging geometrical figures to draw is an ancient sign that has been around for thousands of years, and its origins are shrouded in mystery.  The worship of Sri Chakra is an ancient practice.The Chakra is represented by a variety of figures and interpretations.It is considered the ultimate form of Devi worship to worship the deity in a diagrammatic manner.The Chakra is made up of nine interlocking triangles radiating outwards from its center. In the...

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